Open Access is key to ensuring that society benefits from knowledge. Open Access can match each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
A target of ending poverty is equal rights to ownership, basic services, technology, and economic resources. For poor countries to have access to Open Access books they need access to technology. Computers and internet access are necessary to have equal access to research, data, and to facilitate learning. Once they have access to equal access to technology, they will have equal access to Open Access books.
In order to achieve this goal there must be access to research and data and access to the latest technical information to facilitate learning about food security, improved nutrition and sustainable agriculture.
Open access contributes to this goal since recent findings in health and medical books give technical information as well as support the development of appropriate policies and strategies
This goal ensures inclusive and equitable quality education and promotes lifelong opportunities for all. This goal benefits from Open Access since quality resources are available to all with Open Access. Open Access is an inclusive and effective way for students to learn no matter where they live or their economic situation. Open Access gives women and men equal access to materials. Open Access is free regardless of gender. This provides equal access to affordable technical, vocational and higher education. Another target of SDG4 is to eliminate all discrimination in education- Open Access creates no disparities between gender or economic status. Open Access helps expand higher education in developing countries and creates equal opportunities for any student.
Open Access allows women to have equal access to resources. With free information women can learn how to be leaders and decision makers. Open Access enhances education and promotes empowerment to women. Women have the same access to the resources and will be able to use the knowledge to learn how to end discrimination against women and girls. Access to information will broaden and deepen discussion. Information about gender related policy development is widely available with open access.
Open access provides research and data for policy development.
In order for economic growth to expand it is critical for youth to be educated. Open Access is free and helps students access research for learning and therefore they can succeed later in life and will promote economic growth.
Open access is important for research and data that involves policy and strategy development as well as access to the latest technical information.
Open access contribution to this goal is that research and data will be equitably accessible regardless of geographical location and financial status.
To achieve this goal it is important to have access to research and data for cultural and social awareness.
Regarding this goal open access contributes to the access of research and data to enhance awareness of issues and foster discussion. Open access provides information to inform policymakers and access to information for project formulation and mitigation strategies.
Open access contributes to this goal with access to research and data to enhance awareness of issues and foster discussion, access to information to inform policymakers and access to information for project formulation and mitigation strategies.
Open access contributes to this goal with access to research and data to enhance awareness of issues and foster discussion, access to information to inform policymakers, and access to information for project formulation and mitigation strategies
Access to research and data enhances awareness of issues and fosters discussion. Access to information to inform policymakers, access to information for project formulation and mitigation strategies are important concerns of open access.
This goal could benefit from access to research and data for awareness and discussion for transparent reporting on government-funded projects and access to research and data for training and skill development. To have peace, justice, and strong institutions it is vital to have access to research and data for training and skill development. It is clearly stated in SDG 16 that it is important to “ensure access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with the national legislation and international agreements.” Access and opportunity are key to sustainable development therefore there is a clear link between Open Access and sustainable development.
Open Access support local initiatives. Sharing research and data reflects collaboration and partnerships for sustainable development on the local, national, and international level.